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The 1805 Club is a registered charity in England and Wales number 1201272
We are an active international organisation with members in 20 countries.
As a member of The 1805 Club you will receive:
The Trafalgar Chronicle (New Series) edited by The 1805 Club and published by Seaforth; the prime source of information as well as the publication of choice for new research about the Georgian navy.
The Kedge Anchor, an A4 magazine published twice a year full of articles, news, interviews, auction details and book notices.
Invitations to all Club events including the annual Trafalgar Dinner at HMS Nelson Wardroom, Portsmouth, private views of new exhibitions, privileged visits to naval establishments and other attractions, commemorative events, weekend events, overseas visits and the annual Cecil Isaacson Memorial Lecture given at the AGM.
. . . And most importantly, the fellowship that is a trademark of the Club.
Please complete the personal membership application form below and then click 'Continue' to enter your payment method. Payments can be made by Cheque, Stripe or Electronic CAF Bank.
The cost of a year’s membership is as follows: Individual (1 Year) - £50 (From 1st January each year. If you join after 1st October your membership will be valid for 16 months.) Corporate (1 Year) - £100