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St Ann’s Church, HM Naval Base Portsmouth 16 June 2023
Admiral Sir William Cornwallis was Commander-in-Chief of the Channel Fleet between 1803 and 1806. His exemplary conduct in prosecuting his part of the Trafalgar Campaign in keeping the blockade of the French fleet in its Channel ports, was central to setting up the conditions for Nelson to win at Trafalgar.
It was fitting therefore to erect the first national memorial in his name at a church where he would have worshipped and in whose city he was the MP.
The 1805 Club, together with its partner in this project, the Milford on Sea Historical Records Society, designed and commissioned a memorial stone to be produced and erected within consecrated ground at the entrance to the church.
To mark this event, a special church service was held with full choir from Milford on Sea, together with conductor and organist. Buglers sounded The Alert and The General Salute. Sea Cadets Portsmouth under Lt Joelle Lewis helped assist and formed an Honour Guard at the end of the church service for inspection by HM Lord-Lieutenant and party.
HM Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire then unveiled the memorial stone and joined those attending for refreshments held in Admiralty House Gardens where the Second Sea Lord’s generosity towards the 1805 Club gave us permission for their use.
Leading the Church Service was the Dean of Portsmouth Cathedral, the Very Reverend Dr Anthony Cane; the Vicar of St Ann’s, Revd Phillip Amey; the RN Chaplain, Revd James Francis and the Chaplain of the 1805 Club, Revd Lynda Sebbage.
In attendance along with HM Lord Lieutenant, were Captain of the Naval Base, Capt Andrew Robinson; the Right Worshipful the Lord Mayor of Portsmouth, Cllr Tom Coles; Portsmouth South MP, Stephen Morgan; Laughton Professor of Naval History, Professor Andrew Lambert; Director-General of the RNMN, Professor Dominic Tweddle; members of The 1805 Club and members of the Milford on Sea Historical Records Society.
All were welcomed to the buffet lunch in Admiralty House Gardens by Capt Andrew Robinson and later Professor Andrew Lambert addressed the gathering outlining why we should be remembering Admiral Sir William Cornwallis in this way. A final address and thanks were given by Stephen Tregidgo, the 1805 Club’s Leader on Cornwallis Projects.
All images are courtesy of Paul French, CoolHat Photography MOSHRS member.